Ocean Jasper
Ocean Jasper
Ocean Jasper
Ocean Jasper

The Crystal Shop Camden

Ocean Jasper

The ocean jasper stone is a beautiful stone that can be found in a variety of colors. Its name comes from the fact that it is often found near the ocean, and its appearance is reminiscent of the ocean's waves. The stone is said to resonate particularly with the throat, heart and solar plexus chakras. The crystal's resonance with the throat chakra underlies its power to facilitate more loving, compassionate communication. Within the heart chakra, ocean jasper stimulates common understanding and feelings of joy. In the solar plexus chakra, it can help to release emotions such as anger and fear that may be holding you back. If you are seeking a stone that can promote peace and harmony, ocean jasper may be the perfect choice for you.

H 10cm x W 2.5cm