Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz

The Crystal Shop Camden

Rose Quartz

Regular price $7.00

Practical uses:

The best sleep crystal for adults and children: prevents nightmares, night terrors and will bring beautiful dreams helps children to not be afraid of the dark. Place a rose quartz on either side of your bed to attract a lover or place 4 rose quartz stone on the four corners of your house to bring a loving and nurturing energy to your home.

Physical benefits:

Said to help circulation; healing mothers after a complicated birth; skin especially stress-related conditions; headaches, fertility, genitals, female reproductive system, healthy flow of fluids.

Emotional healing:

Depression, especially post-natal depression, jealousy, forgiving mistakes, your own as well as others; the best crystal for overcoming abuse of all kinds.

Chakra: Heart

Candle colour: Pink

Fragrances: Lemon balm, lilac, lily, ylang ylang