New Jade
New Jade

The Crystal Shop Camden

New Jade

Regular price $5.00

Practical Uses:

Give or use new jade for young or new love it carries within it the power of immortality and so promises lasting love. Use when trying to conceive a fantastic stone for fertility. Keep New Jade crystal in your letter box to bring good financial flow to your front door and good news.

Physical benefits:

Said to help with blood sugar, diabetes especially Type 2 levels, hormonal swings especially in pregnancy, flow of milk in mothers who are having problems breast-feeding. Also believed, to be good for alopecia in women, hair thinning in men, nails, and heart cholesterol levels. DNA issues, fertility if medical intervention is necessary.

Emotional healing:  Overcomes crippling fears of perceived physical danger; such as heights, darkness, elevators and unfamiliar places, helps to make total break whether from a destructive person or giving up a habit that is damaging health.

Chakra: Heart.

Candle colour: Green

Fragrances: Bay, clary sage, fern, moss, rosewood