Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz

The Crystal Shop Camden

Smokey Quartz

Regular price $6.00

Practical uses:

Protects the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents. Keep one in your purse, bag or glove box of a car or near valuables, especially if unattended for long periods. Smokey quartz absorbs negative energy so you can place this stone anywhere you feel you are open to negative energy.

Physical benefits:

After a period of illness or depression this is said to be good for gently restoring physical energy, melting energy blocks or rigidity in limbs, the adrenal glands, kidneys (good for kidney stones) and the pancreas; also believed to help with the relief of chronic pain.

Emotional healing:

Reduces anxiety, psychological sexual blocks, and insomnia, self-harming and panic attacks.

Chakra: Root

Candle colour: Black

Fragrances: Cedar, lily, patchouli