Blue Sandstone
Blue Sandstone

The Crystal Shop

Blue Sandstone

Regular price $5.00

Practical uses:

To help children and adults to overcome fears of the dark, hold a sandstone angel, egg or tumblestone as symbol of the night sky and keep by the bedside; take with you when you stay in unfamiliar hotels and on long-haul flights to relax into a natural sleep-and-waking pattern.

Physical benefits:

Thought to assist with the relief of migraines, headaches, epilepsy and visual disturbances particularly night and tunnel vision or glaucoma; be helpful after surgery or intensive chemical therapies; for all allergies resulting from chemical irritants and pet hair or dust mites.

Emotional healing:

For those whose dreams were shattered by the insensitivity of parents or teachers at an early age, a reminder of what has been and can still be achieved.

Chakra: Throat, Brow and Crown

Candle colour: Gold

Fragrances: Lily, lotus, vanilla